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May 21 - 24

Hello! I hope you and your family had a great long weekend :)

Here are the dictee words for the week. Test will be on Friday, May 24 in the morning.

1. fier

2. mai

3. photo

4. image

5. trottoir

6. course

7. sauter

8. lancer

9. courir

10. vite

Other important info for this week:

Track and Field qualifications at Elsie Mironuck

Tuesday, May 22

(grade 4s only)

Students should wear proper clothing (including hat and running shoes) for a active day outside. They should also pack a water bottle, lunch, extra snacks, sunscreen and insect repellent. There will also be a canteen so students are allowed to bring cash.

*** Grade 3s will spend the day in class with me as per usual.

Permission Slip for Science Center

If you haven't already sent back the green permission slip for the Science Center, please do so as soon as you can. I would like to get all payments in to the office by this Friday.

Have a great week!

Mme Levasseur

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